258 research outputs found

    Text mining e network science per analizzare la complessità della lettura. Principi, metodi, esperienze di applicazione.

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    This paper proposes some reflections concerning the practice of reading, its conceptual structure and its transformations, the blurred profile of the information ecology in which it is inserted. At the same time illustrates some outcomes of a research project conducted with tools of text mining and network science on the social reading platform aNobii. The paper presents these main topics: a) general overview of reading's context; b) short discussion reading as a complex system; c) presentation of some central concepts of network science and of its applications; d) introduction to text mining with some results of analysis of aNobii's reviews; e) conclusions and prospectives

    On Alberto Salarelli's Introduzione alla scienza dell'informazione: a few methodological notes

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    Il contributo prende in esame il volume di Alberto Salarelli Introduzione alla scienza dell’informazione (Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2012), e propone alcune osservazioni che riguardano la collocazione di questa area disciplinare nel più generale contesto delle discipline bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche. In questo senso vengono brevemente discusse nella prima parte le modalità secondo cui l’autore presenta i concetti chiave della disciplina (dato, informazione, documento), ed i modelli teorici e meta-teorici che ne individuano il contesto, prendendo in esame tra gli altri gli apporti di studiosi come Luciano Floridi, Maurizio Ferraris, Michael Buckland, Wolfgang Hofkirchner. Nella seconda parte vengono brevemente discusse alcune delle problematiche teoriche, e più specificamente ontologiche, che riguardano le relazioni tra oggetti del mondo fisico, documenti, e loro rappresentazione documentaria, e viene infine proposta una più ampia collocazione del campo disciplinare della scienza dell’informazione nella più generale cornice del costituirsi storico-culturale del pensiero bibliografico.The paper examines Alberto Salarelli’s book Introduzione alla scienza dell’informazione (“Introduction to Information Science”, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2012) with particular attention to the location of this disciplinary field within the wider context of bibliography and library science. The first part briefly discusses how the author presents the discipline’s key concepts (data, information, document), and examines the theories and meta-theories that identify its context, taking into consideration the studies of Luciano Floridi, Maurizio Ferraris, Michael Buckland, Wolfgang Hofkirchner. The second part deals with some theoretical and ontological issues concerning the relationships between objects in the physical world, documents, and their bibliographic representation, finally proposing a new location of Information Science into the wider frame of bibliography in its historical and cultural dimension


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    The role of peer review in the evaluation of research in Italy. Some remarks on the evaluation of PRINs

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    This contribution proposes some remarks on the evaluation and financing mechanisms of PRINs – Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, promoted in Italy by the MUR - Ministry of University and Research, in the context of the critical issues and evolution prospects of peer review, of which a summary state of the art is presented. Starting from the partial and incomplete data made available on the MUR website dedicated to PRINs, are listed and examined the projects financed for the current disciplinary sector M-STO/08 (Archival Science, Bibliography and Librarianship), in the years between 1996 and 2020, and those included in other disciplinary areas that have as their subject matters related to the contents of the academic field M-STO/08